可学答题网 > 问答 > 初中英语学科知识与教学能力,中学教师资格证,资格考试
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The teachers should use _____ material

The teachers should use _____ materials as much as possible in teaching, which is one of the characteristics in communicative method.

  • AA. right
  • BB. true
  • CC. foreign
  • DD. native



1、I like the teacher__________classes ar

I like the teacher__________classes are very interesting and creative.Awhich Bwho Cwhat Dwhose

2、The teacher would use____to help stude

The teacher would use____to help students communicate in teaching speaking.Asubstitution drillsBgroup discussionClistening and actingDreading aloud

3、6. The teacher asked us to stop ______

6. The teacher asked us to stop _________,but _________ the text.A to talk ;readingB to talk; to readC talking; reading .D talking; to read

4、Besides bad material conditions, _____

Besides bad material conditions, __________also leads to the sharp increase of crime rate. In spite of all stories of prosperity i...

5、The buyer should open the ______L/C 30

The buyer should open the ______L/C 30 days _____the time of shipment.A relative.beforeB relevant.onC covering, afterD above, for

6、Our teacher told us the sun ____ in th

Our teacher told us the sun ____ in the east .A riseB roseC risingD rises