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The professor said he could talk on ()

The professor said he could talk on ()interested the audience.

  • Aany topic
  • Bwhich topic
  • Cwhichever topic
  • Dthe topic he thought it

whichever已失去疑问含义,等于 anything that,表示强调; 而 which topic中 which保留疑问含义,译成"哪一个题目",不符合句义。而A和D中缺少连词。


1、The man with()strength could lift a he

The man with()strength could lift a heavy rock without any difficulty.ApowerfulBstrongCintelligentDphenomenal

2、The pilot said he()our vessel directly

The pilot said he()our vessel directly to berth.Awill takeBtookCis takingDwould take

3、A: Could I talk t

A:CouldItalktoProf.Lee?B:()AYes,speaking.BOh, it's youCI am the operator here.

4、I wonder_______ we could have a talk a

I wonder_______ we could have a talk after the meeting,AwhichBwhyCthatDif

5、he patient acted on the doctor's ()and

he patient acted on the doctors ()and finallyrecovered.AadvicesBadviseCadvice

6、We moved to the front row()we could he

We moved to the front row()we could hear and see better.Aso asBso thatCbecauseDsuch that