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The colonial life can be described as

The colonial life can be described as the following except ()

  • Asimple
  • Beasy
  • Crough
  • Dhard

1、How can we describe the main proficien

How can we describe the main proficiency goal of the teaching and learning of pronunciation?

2、()is often described as the music of s

()is often described as the music of speech—the way the voice goes up and down as we speak.

3、A mooring line is described as being 6

A mooring line is described as being 6x24,1-3/4 inch wire rope. What do the above numbersrefer to?()AStrands,yarns,circumferenceBStrands,wires,diameterCWires,yarns,diameterDStrands,circumference,wire

4、An inflatable life raft can be launche

An inflatable life raft can be launched by().Athe floating-free method onlyBbreaking the weak link on the painterCthrowing the entire container overboard and then pulling an the operatingDremoving the securing stra

5、The waterplane area is described as th

The waterplane area is described as the intersection of the surface of the water in which a vessel floats and the().AbaselineBvertical reference planeChullDhorizontal reference plane

6、( )can be considered as part of risk

( )can be considered as part of risk mitigation.A Risk identificationB Purchasing insuranceC Assessment of outcomesD Assessment of probabilities