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When you are transferring fuel oil to

When you are transferring fuel oil to the setting tanks, precautions to be observed should include ()

  • Aplugging gooseneck tank vents to prevent accident overflow
  • Bmaintaining a high transfer rate until a slight trickle of oil is observed flowing from the overflow line
  • Csounding the tanks frequently and reducing the transfer rate as the level approaches maximum fill
  • Dmaintaining a supply of chemical dispersant to cleanup minor oil spills adjacent to the shi

1、Fuel oil transfer systems used onboard

Fuel oil transfer systems used onboard diesel propelled vessels are required to have ().Atwo fuel oil transfer pumps provided where one is to...

2、Machinery driving fuel oil transfer an

Machinery driving fuel oil transfer and fuel oil service pumps must be fitted with a remote means of stopping the machinery from ().Awithin the space concernedBoutside the space concernedCthe throttle stationDwithin the fire room

3、When are you allowed to throw plastic

When are you allowed to throw plastic garbage overboard?()ABeing mroe than 25 miles from shoreBOnly at night when it‟s darkCBeing more than 6 miles from shoreDNever

4、When fuel oil is accidentally missed

When fuel oil is accidentally missed with lube oil which of the following processes can be used to separate them?()Ⅰ.filteringⅡ.settlingAⅠ onlyBⅡ onlyCeither Ⅰ or ⅡDneither Ⅰ or Ⅱ

5、Heavy fuel oils when spilled are().

Heavy fuel oils when spilled are().Amore harmful to sea life than lighter oilsBeasier to clean up than lighter refined oilsCless harmful to sea life than lighter oilsDnot a real threat to marine life

6、When centrifuging heavy fuel oil, an

When centrifuging heavy fuel oil, an important factor to consider is the ()(1) flow rate(2) viscosity of the fuel oilA(1) only is correctB(2) only is correctCboth (1) and (2) are correctDneither (1) or (2) are correct