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Patients" bills of rights require that

Patients" bills of rights require that they () informed about their condition and about alternatives for treatment.

  • Aare
  • Bmight be
  • Cshould be
  • Dwere

[解析] 句意:《病人权利法案》要求病人应该被告知自己的身体状况和治疗方案的选择。虚拟语气。表示要求、命令、请求的动词如advise,ask,demand,require后面的宾语从句中,谓语要用“should+动词原形”表示虚拟语气,should可以省略。


1、Coast Guard regulations require that a

Coast Guard regulations require that all of the following emergencies be covered at the periodic drills on a fishing vessel EXCEPT().Aminimizin...

2、That right can and will triumph()might

That right can and will triumph()might.AuponBonCoverDoff

3、Regulations require that cargo tanks c

Regulations require that cargo tanks carrying grades D or E liquids on tank barges be vented with().Agooseneck vents and flame screensBpressure-vacuum relief valvesCbranch vent lines and a vent headerDforced draft blower

4、Lifesaving regulations require that a

Lifesaving regulations require that a fire drill include().Astarting the fire pumpsBchecking the operation of watertight doorsCchecking arrangements for abandon shipDAll of the above

5、有如下程序: a$="China":b$=Right$

有如下程序:a$="China":b$=Right$(a$,3):c$=String$(3,b$)Print c$运行时输出的结果是()AiiiBlllCwwwDvvv

6、术语翻译:bill of exchange()

术语翻译:bill of exchange()