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A metal ring on the bottom of a block,

A metal ring on the bottom of a block,to which the standing part of a tackle is spliced,is known as a(n)().

  • Abecket
  • Bloop
  • Cswivel
  • Deye

1、If the back clearance of a piston ring

If the back clearance of a piston ring is excessive,()Acompression pressure in the cylinder will be higherBcarbon will accumulate behind the ringCcombustion gases will penetrate beneath the ring landDpiston side thrust will be increased

2、The lowest ring of a piston is ().

The lowest ring of a piston is ().Aa coil springBa sealing ringCan oil distributor ringDmain seal ring

3、On the serial interface of a router, a

On the serial interface of a router, an inbound access list is configured to deny all traffic from UDP and TCP ports 21, 23, and 25. All o...

4、What is a function of the wearing ring

What is a function of the wearing rings used in most centrifugal pumps?()AAbsorb erosion of high velocity discharge streamBSeal pump shaft against entry of airCIsolate the discharge side from the suction sideDDampen the turbulent discharge flow

5、A metal object on the pier resembling

A metal object on the pier resembling a tree stump and made to receive mooring lines is a().AbightBbollardCchockDcamel

6、The bottom of the mast rests on a part

The bottom of the mast rests on a part of the keel called the mast().AfootBheelCstepDsole