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Comparing the painter who paints a gan

Comparing the painter who paints a gangrenous leg with the one who paints a lake in moonlight,we can draw the conclusion that______.

  • A both convey the same meaning
  • B both show certain aspects of the world
  • C the latter is more meaningful
  • D the former is more meaningful

[解析] 见本文倒数第四行,一个画家画一条坏死的腿与另外一个画月光下的湖水相比,其实都在揭示世界的某些方面。


1、The sea painter is secured in the life

The sea painter is secured in the lifeboat by().Aa turn around a forward thwart with a toggle pin thru the eyeBa knot around a thwartCan eye splice placed over one of the hooks of the releasing gearDAll of the above

2、She stared at the painting, wondering

She stared at the painting, wondering where she ______it.A saw B has seen C sees D had seen

3、A shipper who furnishes the carrier wi

A shipper who furnishes the carrier with written information concerning the cargo to be shipped has a right to insist the master or other agent of the carrier()a bill of lading incorporating the information so furnished.AissuingBwritingCgivingDmaking

4、A process of comparing the actual perf

A process of comparing the actual performance of a machine with the intended performance, and the adjusting the machine to reduce and eventuall...

5、How should the lifeboat sea painter be

How should the lifeboat sea painter be rigged?()ASpliced into the ring on the stem postBSecured to the inboard side of a forward thwart and...

6、Which statement comparing a shipboard

Which statement comparing a shipboard crane to conventional gear is TRUE().ACranes are more difficult to secure for seaBThe spotting area of t...