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There was a house at()

There was a house at()

  • Athe mountain foot
  • Bthe foot of the mountain
  • Cthe feet of the mountain
  • Dthe mountain's foot

1、There was a knock at the door. It was

There was a knock at the door. It was the second time someone ()(打扰我) that evening.

2、Once there was a little girl who cam

Once there was a little girl who came to live in an orphanage (孤儿院). As Christmas time was drawing near, all of the other children 11 t...

3、Once there was a little girl who cam

Once there was a little girl who came to live in an orphanage (孤儿院). As Christmas time was drawing near, all of the other children 11 t...

4、How did the host find out there was a

How did the host find out there was a thief in the house?A He heard someone breathing.B He heard footsteps in the hall.C He noticed a shadow on the floor.D He noticed that his gifts were gone.

5、)7.—Was there a nice picture on the wa

)7.—Was there a nice picture on the wall?—______.A No,there wasntB No,there werentC No,there isn tD No,there arent

6、Once there was a little girl who cam

Once there was a little girl who came to live in an orphanage (孤儿院). As Christmas time was drawing near, all of the other children 11 t...