可学答题网 > 问答 > (二)单项选择题题库,外贸外语题库
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You must be responsible for all the lo

You must be responsible for all the losses arising from your delay in opening the()L/C.

  • Acovering
  • Bcovered
  • Cpaying
  • Dpaid



1、All bilge suctions must be fitted with

All bilge suctions must be fitted with suitable (), which in the machinery space would be mud boxes positioned at floor plate level for easy access.AstrangersBrelief valvesCemergency valvesDstrainer

2、All dunnage planks and mats must be se

All dunnage planks and mats must be sent to board()commencement of loading.Aprior toBduringCin the period ofDafterward

3、The ship will be responsible for the c

The ship will be responsible for the cargo loaded or unloaded().Aonly when the cargo is within its railBduring the time when loading or unloading is going onCafter the cargo is checked by tallymenDas soon as loading or discharging begi

4、All the cargo holds must be()cleaned o

All the cargo holds must be()cleaned out()meet the requirement of the cargo surveyor.Asuch/thatBso/thatCsuch/toDso/as to

5、The ship will be responsible for the c

The ship will be responsible for the cargo loaded or unloaded().Aonly when the cargo is within its railBduring the time when loading or ynloading is going onCafter the cargo is checked by tallymenDas soon as loading or discharging begi

6、()are to be used for dunnage if you lo

()are to be used for dunnage if you load rice.AWooden planksBRush matsCSteel barsDWooden planks and rush mat