可学答题网 > 问答 > 狭水道、冰区与运河航行题库
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If a tow sinks in shallow water,you sh

If a tow sinks in shallow water,you should().

  • Arelease it immediately
  • Battempt to beach it before it goes under
  • Cpay out cable until it's on the bottom and place a buoy on the upper end
  • Dshorten cable to keep it off the bottom

1、If you have to jump in the water when

If you have to jump in the water when abandoning a vessel,your legs should be().Aspread apart as far as possibleBheld as tightly against your chest as possibleCin a kneeling positionDextended straight down and crossed at the ankle

2、If water is rising in the bilge of a l

If water is rising in the bilge of a lifeboat,you should FIRST().Aabandon the survival craftBcheck for cracks in the hullCshift all personnel to the sternDcheck the bilge drain plug

3、If you are forced to abandon ship in a

If you are forced to abandon ship in a lifeboat,you should().Aremain in the immediate vicinityBhead for the nearest landChead for the closest sea-lanesDvote on what to do,so all hands will have a part in the decisio

4、An ocean tow is sinking in deep water.

An ocean tow is sinking in deep water. Attempts to sever the towing hawser are unsuccessful. Which action should now be taken? ()AAbandon th...

5、If the water level dropped rapidly in

If the water level dropped rapidly in the expansion tank of a closed diesel engine cooling water system, you should suspect a ().Aloss of s...

6、Your ship is in shallow water and the

Your ship is in shallow water and the bow rides up on its bow wave while the stern sinks into a depression of its transverse wave system.What is this called().ABroachingBFish tailingCSquattingDParallel sinkage