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The man with()strength could lift a he

The man with()strength could lift a heavy rock without any difficulty.

  • Apowerful
  • Bstrong
  • Cintelligent
  • Dphenomenal

1、He () a very important part in the man

He () a very important part in the management of the company.AtakesBplaysCkee

2、He is the man()dog bit me.

He is the man()dog bit me.AthatBwhichCwhose

3、He bought the house with a(n)()to maki

He bought the house with a(n)()to making a quick profit out of it.AgoalBpurposeCeyeDreaso

4、Unsatiafied______with the payment, he

Unsatiafied______with the payment, he took the job just to get some work experience.A though was he B though he wasC he was though D was he though

5、The man in charge of a ship is().He is

The man in charge of a ship is().He is responsible for the ship ,her cargo and the safety of the crew.AChief OifficerBSecond officerCThird OifficerDMaster

6、The professor said he could talk on ()

The professor said he could talk on ()interested the audience.Aany topicBwhich topicCwhichever topicDthe topic he thought it