目录: 标题| 题干| 答案| 搜索| 相关

The unit of electrical power is the __

The unit of electrical power is the _____.

  • Aampere
  • Bkilovolt
  • Cwatt
  • Dfarad

1、The main purpose of the text is to ___

The main purpose of the text is to _______.A describe children’s thinkingBanswer some questions children haveCstress the importance of communicationDadvise parents to encourage their children

2、Jim is the most intelligent,of _______

Jim is the most intelligent,of __________Afour USBUS fourCthe four USDUS of four

3、The topic of the passage is that __.

The topic of the passage is that __.Athe control of population is essential to the development of a nationBnatural resources are important to ...

4、The main idea of paragraph 2 is______.

The main idea of paragraph 2 is______.A colors may have effect on our work and studyB colors do have effect on our moods (情绪)C light and bright colors make people happyD factory workers can work better in a bright room

5、The unit of electrical resistance is t

The unit of electrical resistance is the ()AampereBvoltCwattDohm

6、__________is the guarantee of improvin

__________is the guarantee of improving learning efficiency and developing independent learning capability.ALearning strategyBEmotional attitudeCLanguage skillDCognitive strategy