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My father is a programmer and he works

My father is a programmer and he works in()

  • Acomputer
  • Bcomputers
  • Ca computer

1、He came to dinner and my mom fixed a r

He came to dinner and my mom fixed a roast, prime rib ,pie, yoghurt, drinks, and that kind of _,and it was really good.AmeatBstuffCstaffDdish

2、A: What does he()? B: He is tall and

A: What does he()? B: He is tall and good-lookingAlikeBlookClook like

3、My father is leaving()Shanghai tomorro

My father is leaving()Shanghai tomorrow.AforBinCintoDto

4、He is a kind-hearted and()gentleman.

He is a kind-hearted and()gentleman.ArespectiveBrespectableCrespectedDrespectful

5、My vessel is healthy and I request fre

My vessel is healthy and I request free pratique.What does the sentence My vessel is healthy mean?It means;().AMy ship has been maintainedBMy...

6、Nobody can work well if he is di

Nobody can work well if he is distracting .