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Children need to be()before entering s

Children need to be()before entering school.

  • Asocialized
  • Bcentralized
  • Cwarned off
  • Dcared for

1、Which()need NOT be entered in the Offi

Which()need NOT be entered in the Official Logbook?AThe testing of the internal combustion engine driven emergency generators at least once eac...

2、What needs to be 

What needs to be done before you can start the upgrade?()AOn the Windows 95 computer, r...

3、This S/C may be()three months before i

This S/C may be()three months before its expiry.ApostponedBprolongedCexpandedDrenewed

4、Before entering the chain locker,you s

Before entering the chain locker,you should().Ahave someone standing byBmake sure there is sufficient air within the lockerCde-energize the windlassDAll of the above

5、Before entering an ice area,the ship s

Before entering an ice area,the ship should be().Aeither trimmed by the head or the sternBon an even keelCtrimmed down by the headDtrimmed down by the ster

6、Don't be so shy. You need to learn to(

Dont be so shy. You need to learn to()yourself.AassistBassertCassetDassure