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After retiring, he()his hobby of stamp

After retiring, he()his hobby of stamp collecting.

  • Apursued
  • Bpursuit
  • Cfollowed
  • Dchased

1、He likes to()stamps as his hobby.

He likes to()stamps as his hobby.AcollectBraiseCgatherDpick

2、When she retired she did a lot of()wor

When she retired she did a lot of()work for the Red Cross.AvalidBportableCprosperousDvoluntary

3、His company went()after he failed in t

His company went()after he failed in the business.AdecentBnegativeCbankruptDacute

4、His company promised to pay for his he

His company promised to pay for his health ()in addition to other benefits.AexaminationBserviceCcheckDinsurance

5、He carried on()after his accident.

He carried on()after his accident.Ato workBworkCworkingDworked

6、The retired man donated most of his sa

The retired man donated most of his savings to the school damaged by the ea rthquake in Yushu ,________the students to return to their classrooms.A enablingB having enabledC to enableD to have enabled