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As a vessel sinks to a depth of 15 fee

As a vessel sinks to a depth of 15 feet,the hydrostatic trip releases the liferaft container from its cradle by().

  • Abreaking the weak link
  • Breleasing the tie-down strap
  • Cpulling the operating cord
  • Dreleasing the CO2 canister

1、As the displacement of a vessel increa

As the displacement of a vessel increases,the detrimental effect of free surface().AincreasesBdecreasesCremains the sameDmay increase or decrease depending on the fineness of the vessel's form

2、A ballasted vessel sinks enroute to a

A ballasted vessel sinks enroute to a drydock. Under these circumstances,the vessel’s owner can claim().Aactual total lossBconstructive total lossCgeneral averageDparticular average

3、A vessel would be referred to as tende

A vessel would be referred to as tender when the weight of the cargo is().Aevenly distributed vertically and the double bottoms are fullBconc...

4、A vessel behaves as if all of its weig

A vessel behaves as if all of its weight is acting downward through the center of gravity,and all its support is acting upward through the().AkeelBcenter of buoyancyCtipping centerDamidships sectio

5、A vessel would be referred to as tende

A vessel would be referred to as tender when the weight of the cargo is().Aevenly distrubuted vertically and the double bottoms are fullBconc...

6、When a vessel is in any doubt as to wh

When a vessel is in any doubt as to whether such a situation exists she shall()that it does exist and act accordingly.AconsumeBassumeCperfumeDresume