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Which method is used to supply inert g

Which method is used to supply inert gas from a flue gas system to the cargo tanks?()

  • AExhaust gas pressure from the stack
  • BHigh capacity fan
  • CInert gas compressor
  • DNatural aspiratio

1、If an air compressor is used to supply

If an air compressor is used to supply air primarily to the combustion control system and other pneumatic controllers, the entire system is known as the ().Acontrol air systemBforced draft air systemCsupply air systemDships service air system

2、Which is supplied to the vessel by the

Which is supplied to the vessel by the MSA().ABell bookBCargo gear registerCOfficial LogbookDRough Logbook

3、Which method is used to detect rot in

Which method is used to detect rot in manila lines?()AFeeling the surface of the line for broken fibersBMeasuring the reduction in circumferen...

4、Oil is supplied to the crosshead using

Oil is supplied to the crosshead using a swinging arm or a () and is sometimes boosted in pressure to and efficient lubrication.Atelescopic pipeBlarge bore pipeCgenerating pipeDcentral pipe

5、Which instrument is used to predict th

Which instrument is used to predict the approach of a low pressure system().AAnemometerBFathometerCBarometerDThermometer

6、Which of the following methods is used

Which of the following methods is used to prevent throttling of compressed air through the diesel engine air starting valves?()AHolding the va...