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If the magnetic heading is greater tha

If the magnetic heading is greater than the compass heading,the deviation is().

  • Aeast
  • Bwest
  • Cnorth
  • Dsouth

1、A vessel is heading magnetic northwest

A vessel is heading magnetic northwest and its magnetic compass indicates a heading of 317°. What action should be taken to remove this error...

2、If the head pressure is too high,()

If the head pressure is too high,()Athe relief valve should open before the high-pressure cutoutBthe relief valve should open and let excess ...

3、If the head pressure of a reciprocatin

If the head pressure of a reciprocating refrigeration compressor is excessive, ().Athe relief valve should open before the high pressure cutout...

4、4.The weather in Beijing is colder tha

4.The weather in Beijing is colder than _________ .Ain HefeiB that in HefeiC HefeiD that of Hefei

5、If the compass heading and the magneti

If the compass heading and the magnetic heading are the same then().Athe deviation has been offset by the variationBthere is something wrong with the compassCthe compass is being influenced by nearby metalsDthere is no deviation on that heading

6、The head of the bend is the().

The head of the bend is the().Atop or upstream beginning of a bendBbottom or downstream beginning of a bendCmidpoint or center radius of a bendDcenter line or apex of a bend