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As a vessel falls off the wind from cl

As a vessel falls off the wind from close-hauled to a beam reach,the tendency for the vessel to move sideways through the water will().

  • Aincrease
  • Bdecrease
  • Cchange only if the vessel comes about on the opposite tack
  • Dnot change

1、As the displacement of a vessel increa

As the displacement of a vessel increases,the detrimental effect of free surface().AincreasesBdecreasesCremains the sameDmay increase or decrease depending on the fineness of the vessel's form

2、The vessel was drifted off from her()d

The vessel was drifted off from her()due to strong wind.AcourseBtrackCdirectionDtrend

3、A vessel has a strong wind on the port

A vessel has a strong wind on the port beam. This has the same affect on stability as().Aweight that is off-center to starboardBincreasing the draftCreducing the freeboardDincreasing the trim

4、A vessel approaching your vessel from

A vessel approaching your vessel from 235°relative is in what type of situation?().AMeetingBOvertakingCCrossingDPassing

5、You are docking a vessel.Wind and curr

You are docking a vessel.Wind and current are most favorable when they are().Acrossing your course in the same directionBcrossing your course in opposite directionsCparallel to the pier from aheadDsetting you on the pier

6、The wind is ESE,and a sailing vessel i

The wind is ESE,and a sailing vessel is steering NW. Which fog signal should she sound?()AOne blast at one-minute intervalsBOne blast at two...