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After that he knew he could any emerge

After that he knew he could any emergency by doing what be could to the best of his ability.

  • Aget away with
  • Bget on with
  • Cget through
  • Dget across

1、The man with()strength could lift a he

The man with()strength could lift a heavy rock without any difficulty.ApowerfulBstrongCintelligentDphenomenal

2、He ran so fast that he was out of()

He ran so fast that he was out of()AairBoxygenCbreathDwind

3、After reading the novel he was too

After reading the novel he was too exciting to go to sleep that night.

4、Mr. John was busy,()he could not come.

Mr. John was busy,()he could not come.AbutBthereforeCandDnor

5、After retiring, he()his hobby of stamp

After retiring, he()his hobby of stamp collecting.ApursuedBpursuitCfollowedDchased

6、He carried on()after his accident.

He carried on()after his accident.Ato workBworkCworkingDworked