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Danage to ship’s fittings caused by st

Danage to ship’s fittings caused by stevedor’s negligence often happens. Therefore, the stevedores()the cost of the damage repaired afterwards.

  • Ashould hold responsible for
  • Bshould be hold responsible for
  • Cshould be free of
  • Dshould be brarable of

1、Damage to another vessel’s cargo,cause

Damage to another vessel’s cargo,caused by a collision,is covered under which marine insurance policy?().AHullBFireCProtection and IndemnityDNone of the above

2、Damage to cargo caused by dust is know

Damage to cargo caused by dust is known as().AcontaminationBoxidationCtaintingDvaporizatio

3、Damage to ship’s fittings caused by st

Damage to ship’s fittings caused by stevedore’s negligence often happens.Therefore,the stevedores()the cost of repairs effected.Ashould hold responsible forBshould hear in mindCshould be held responsible forDshould bear no compensation for

4、My ship’s engine responds well to tele

My ship’s engine responds well to telegraph orders and takes about 80 seconds to reverse from full speed ahead to full speed astern.This sent...

5、Prior to a ship’s departure, () may no

Prior to a ship’s departure, () may not always be tested.Afire fighting pumpBthe steering gearClife boat engineDthe main engine

6、Bilge keels are fitted on ships to().

Bilge keels are fitted on ships to().Aassist in drydock alignmentBimprove the vessel's stabilityCprotect the vessel from slamming against piersDreduce the rolling of the vessel