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22.It takes__________ for the moon to

22.It takes__________ for the moon to go around the earth

  • A more than a week
  • B nearly a month
  • C half a year
  • D more than a year

22.B【解析】由第二段前两句“The moon moves... It makes one trip in about four weeks.”可知.


1、It is the ability to do the job ______

It is the ability to do the job ______ matters not where you graduate from or what you are.A thatB itC whatD when

2、The child was told to__________for bei

The child was told to__________for being rude to his uncle.AapologizeBexcuseCpardonDpunish

3、22. Ben,_______ climb the tree. It is

22. Ben,_______ climb the tree. It is very dangerous.AdoesntBnotCdontDisnt

4、I _______her to give up taking the med

I _______her to give up taking the medicine but she refused.A advisedB suggestedC persuadedD hoped

5、22. It’ s almost impossible for ______

22. It’ s almost impossible for ________ few people to do _________much work in________ a short time.Aso; so; soBso; so; suchC such; such; suchD such; such; so

6、—_________ I take the book out?—I'm af

—_________ I take the book out?—Im afraid not.A WillB MayC MustD Need