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She decided to go back to her home vil

She decided to go back to her home village _______ stay on in that strange city.

  • A than
  • B instead
  • C rather than
  • D other than

1、()her and then try to copy what she do

()her and then try to copy what she does.AMindBSeeCStareatDWatch

2、I()her to marry me and she agreed.

I()her to marry me and she agreed.AaskBaskedCtoldDtell

3、She declined to travel at the()of her

She declined to travel at the()of her company and paid for the trip herself.AchargeBadmissionCexpenseDti

4、She has always()to her father, althoug

She has always()to her father, although he did not graduate from a famous university.AappreciatedBadmiredCrespectedDlooked u

5、She()her nervousness to the importance

She()her nervousness to the importance of the interview.AcontributedBdedicatedCdistributedDattributed

6、Our ship()to her home port Yantai agai

Our ship()to her home port Yantai again.Ahas returnedBhave returnedChas returnDhave retur