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The roomcontained__________equipment i

The roomcontained__________equipment including several TV  monitors.

  • Alittle
  • Ba few
  • Ca number of
  • Da lot of

本题考查数词的用法。equipment通常作为不司数名词。little意为“很少的”,表示否定,后面加不可数名词。a few和anumber of表示“一些、几个”,表示肯定,后面加可数名词。a lot of 表示“大量的”,后面加可数或者不可数。句意为:这间房子里还有几件电器设备。所以正确的答案为D。


1、I had great difficulty________the suit

I had great difficulty________the suitable food on the menu in that restaurant.A findB foundC to findD finding

2、I like the teacher__________classes ar

I like the teacher__________classes are very interesting and creative.Awhich Bwho Cwhat Dwhose

3、If I had__________your advice,the situ

If I had__________your advice,the situation wouldn’t have been so terrible.AlistenedBfollowedCheardDobeyed

4、______the contrary, the rapid growth i

______the contrary, the rapid growth in enrollment over the last 40 years has come to an end.A ToB ByC InD On

5、9.I think doing the dishes _________ .

9.I think doing the dishes _________ .A are boringB are boredC is boringD is bored

6、I have told you the truth ________I ke

I have told you the truth ________I keep repeating it?AMustBCanCMayDWill