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This box is too heavy for me to carry

This box is too heavy for me to carry upstairs. ——()

  • AYou may ask for help
  • BI’ll give you a hand
  • CPlease do me a favor
  • DI’d come to hel



1、To be frank, ()is a great joy for me t

To be frank, ()is a great joy for me to win the prize.AthisBthatCitDthere

2、()can be used for carrying goods to th

()can be used for carrying goods to the pointed place automatically.AAutomatic beltBAutomatic conveyorCAutomatic Guided VehicleDRobot

3、Excuse me, does this bus go to the boo

Excuse me, does this bus go to the bookstore?()AThe bus is so crowded.BThe bookstore is five blocks away.CNo. You‘d better change at the next stop.DYou should wait in line.

4、A single heavy wire made up for the to

A single heavy wire made up for the topping lift is called a().ABaleBSpanner wireCBull lineDWorking guy

5、5.—Can you go to the mall with me this

5.—Can you go to the mall with me this afternoon?—_______A Sorry,l’d not hereB Sure,l-d love toC Sorry,l canD Yes,I’ll

6、This box is too heavy for me to carry

This box is too heavy for me to carry it upstairs.()AYou may ask for help.BI'll give you a hand.CPlease do me a favor.DI'd come to help.