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Which of the following conditions may

Which of the following conditions may be attributed to a fouled turbocharger compressor inlet screen or filter?()

  • ADecreasing scavenge air pressure
  • BIncreasing exhaust temperatures before the turbine
  • CReduction in engine speed
  • DAll of the above

1、Which of the following conditions is r

Which of the following conditions is realized by the turbo-charging of a previously naturally aspirated diesel engine?()AIgnition lag increasesBL...

2、Which of the following conditions must

Which of the following conditions must exist for heat to flow from one object to another?()AThe two objects must be in physical contactBThe ...

3、Which of the following conditions can

Which of the following conditions can cause excessive lube oil consumption in a diesel engine?()ALow lube oil temperatureBDirty lube oil strainerCLow lube oil pressureDHigh lube oil temperature

4、Which of the following conditions can

Which of the following conditions can cause above normal air temperature to develop in the intake manifold of a four-stroke/cycle turbo-charged diesel engine?()AClogged air intake faltersBPiston blow-byCA defective after-coolerDFaulty exhaust valve

5、Which of the following conditions coul

Which of the following conditions could cause the feed pump for an auxiliary boiler to lose suction?()AIncreased suction head pressureBDecreased feedwater temperatureCPump recirculating line being open too muchDExcessive feedwater temperature

6、Which of the following conditions indi

Which of the following conditions indicates the dilution of diesel engine lube oil by fuel oil?()AWater discharging from the water outlet of ...