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The Great Barrier Reef is included on

The Great Barrier Reef is included on the World Heritage list because()

  • Ait has the most beautiful seascape in the world
  • Bit has the greatest number of islands in the world
  • Cit has the most diverse and complex marine life in the world
  • Dit has the longest coast in the world

1、The premium is usually included in().

The premium is usually included in().Athe indemnityBthe franchiseCthe freight rateDthe cargo cost

2、A bold reef is a reef().

A bold reef is a reef().Awith part of it extending above the waterBthat can be detected by water turbulenceCthat drops off sharplyDperpendicular to the current

3、Which of the following is NOT included

Which of the following is NOT included in the display at the Botanical Museum of Harvard University?A Models of 164 families of flowering plants.B Magnified details of flower parts.C Several species of native birds.D A group of diseased fruits.

4、Great care is dedicated to the removal

Great care is dedicated to the removal of from the scavenge air()AgravityBviscosityCdensityDhumidity

5、Great Salt Pond on Block Island is().

Great Salt Pond on Block Island is().Aentered through a dredged cutBnot accessible in easterly galesCavailable for vessels up to a maximum draft of 8 feet (2.4m)Dnot affected by the tide

6、Among the five Great Lakes, only ()is

Among the five Great Lakes, only ()is wholly within the United States.AErieBSuperiorCMichiga