目录: 标题| 题干| 答案| 搜索| 相关

A new school was ______ in the village

A new school was ______ in the village last year.

  • A held up
  • B set up
  • C sent up
  • D brought u

    17.答案为B  was set up意为“建立”,又如put up,establish均为“建立”之意。


1、Now,a new hospital__________near the c

Now,a new hospital__________near the college.Ais being builtBis buildingCis being buildedDis built

2、When the train_____, all the school st

When the train_____, all the school students were surprised to see that the Carlisle team had one man only.Apulled downBpulled onCPulled ofDpulled in

3、30. Stop _________ a noise in the libr

30. Stop _________ a noise in the library. The students are reading.books.AmakeBto makeCmakesDmaking

4、23._________ is the main meal in a day

23._________ is the main meal in a day.A BreakfastB SupperC LunchD Vegetables and wine

5、Many a school in the United States ___

Many a school in the United States ______to train men in theology.A was set upB were set upC has set upD have set u

6、Billy Joel was born in the state of __

Billy Joel was born in the state of ______.A Long IslandB New YorkC New JerseyD Suffolk