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It was from only a few supplies that s

It was from only a few supplies that she had bought in the village the hostess cooked such a nice dinner.

  • A where
  • Bthat
  • Cwhen
  • Dwhich

1、It’s()that the cargo was damaged by yo

It’s()that the cargo was damaged by your stevedores.AbrightBdistinctCplainDevident

2、It()as a shock to realize that I was n

It()as a shock to realize that I was not alone in the room.AcameBappearedCarrivedDreached

3、It was such a solemn occasion that not

It was such a solemn occasion that not even a child()a sound.AdeliveredButteredCvoicedDspoke

4、It was ()midnight that we removed the

It was ()midnight that we removed the trouble and went back to our cabin.AuntilBnot untilCnot beforeDnot after

5、It is()that we could only stay there f

It is()that we could only stay there for three weeks.AsadnessBsadlyCsadDsaddened

6、It’s also essential that we can not()a

It’s also essential that we can not()any marks mixed or damage to the cargo.AagreeBadoptCcheckDaccept