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The efficiency of a flash type evapora

The efficiency of a flash type evaporator can be increased by()

  • Alowering brine discharge density
  • Bdecreasing the absolute pressure of each stage
  • Cincreasing the saltwater feed heater temperature
  • Dincreasing the pressure at the spray pipe

1、In the operation of a flash type evapo

In the operation of a flash type evaporator equipped with air ejectors,the air and non- condensable gases are evacuated directly from the ()....

2、In a flash type evaporator, the brine

In a flash type evaporator, the brine overboard pump is vented directly to the()Asaltwater heater shellBthe condensation of the saltwater feedCair ejectors, eductors, or a separate vacuum pumpDcondensation of the distillate

3、The type of joint formed when a third

The type of joint formed when a third small plate is riveted over two plates butted together is called a().Abutted jointBlap jointCstrap jointDstringer joint

4、The type of carrier required to file a

The type of carrier required to file a copy of freight tariffs would be the().Acommon carrierBtrampCpublic vesselDbulk carrier

5、For a flash type evaporator, the seawa

For a flash type evaporator, the seawater heater will have to maintain a enough temperature to minimize scale formation()AlowerBhigherClowDhigh

6、The marine diesel engine is a type of

The marine diesel engine is a type of diesel engine used on ships The () of its operation is not very difficult to understand.AprincipleBprincipalCcauseDcase