可学答题网 > 问答 > 专升本英语题库
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— Excuse me, would you lend me your ca

— Excuse me, would you lend me your calculator? —()

  • ACertainly. Here you are
  • BPlease don’t mention it
  • CIt’s nothing
  • DYes, I have a hand

1、Would you please show me your bankbook

Would you please show me your bankbook?()ASorry, I have no idea.BHere you are.CCome with me.DYes, I'd like to.

2、Would you mind changing seats with me?

Would you mind changing seats with me?()AYes, you can.BOf course, I like to.CNo, I don't mindDCertainly, please do.

3、Would you please pass me the salt?()

Would you please pass me the salt?()AGive youBNo saltCHere they areDCertainly. Here you are

4、Excuse me. I didn't mean to bother you

Excuse me. I didnt mean to bother you.()A There‘s no problem.B It‘s a pleasure.CThat‘s quite all right.DI didn‘t realize that.

5、Would you please tell me__________to d

Would you please tell me__________to do next?AhowBwhatCwhichDwhatever

6、— Excuse me!

— Excuse me!A— _____B— How can I get to the nearest post office?CA.Yes? B.That’s OK. What’s wrong? D.Pardon?