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This machine works very well so long a

This machine works very well so long as no one()with it.

  • Ainterferes
  • Bdisturbs
  • Cupsets
  • Dinterrupt

1、Well done, Jim. You did very well in t

Well done, Jim. You did very well in the high jump.()AI'm glad to hear thatBThat's rightCThank youDThe same to you

2、Very long,complex expressions in progr

Very long,complex expressions in program are difficult to write correctly and difficultto(68).AdefendBdetectCdefaultDdebug

3、This machine ()out of order very often

This machine ()out of order very often, but now it works well.Ais used to beBwas used to beCused to beDwas used to

4、A new()will be set up in this area so

A new()will be set up in this area so we will have enough electricity in the future.Apower stationBelectricity stationCpower factoryDelectrical statio

5、Well done and()Thank you very much!

Well done and()Thank you very much!Anot at all.Bcongratulations to you.Cthat's right.Dyou are welcome.

6、Your products()so well here but for a

Your products()so well here but for a lot of advertisements we have done on television and in newspapers.Awould not have been soldBwon’t sellCwould not sellDhave not been sold