可学答题网 > 问答 > 海事、海关、检疫、移民局等报表题库
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The vessel’s Load Line Certificate is

The vessel’s Load Line Certificate is always issued by ().

  • AThe Register of Shipping
  • BCustoms House
  • CCargo Survey Bureau
  • DMaritime Safety Administratio

1、The vessel’s Loadline Certificate is a

The vessel’s Loadline Certificate is always issued by ().AThe Register of ShippingBCustoms HouseCCargo Survey BureauDMaritime Safety Administratio

2、A vessel’s Derat Certificate is always

A vessel’s Derat Certificate is always issued by ().AClassification SocietyBCargo Survey BureauCEnvironmental Protection AgencyDPublic Health

3、A vessel’s Certificate of Documentatio

A vessel’s Certificate of Documentation().Amay be retained by the owner at the home port OR kept on the vesselBmust be posted under transpar...

4、A vessel’s Derat Certificate is always

A vessel’s Derat Certificate is always issued by ().AChina Classification SocietyBCargo Survey BureauCEnvironmental Protection AgencyDPublic Health

5、The primary purpose of a load line is

The primary purpose of a load line is to establish required().Aminimum freeboardBGMCtransverse stabilityDfresh water allowance

6、A vessel’s Classification Certificate

A vessel’s Classification Certificate is issued by the ().ABureau of ShippingBNational Cargo BureauCPort AuthoritiesDThe Custom