目录: 标题| 题干| 答案| 搜索| 相关

He ______back and he left a note for y

He ______back and he left a note for you.

  • A came
  • B has been
  • C will be
  • D is being

    7.答案为B  本题主要测试have(has)been back的用法,不和表示一段时间的状语连用时,表示回来过又走了,现在不在这里了。


1、He does not work but he gets a good___

He does not work but he gets a good__________from his investments.AWageBearningCincomeDsalary

2、4. He is a good _________ He likes ___

4. He is a good _________ He likes ________very much.A music,musicB musician,musicianC music,musicianD musician,music

3、8.It _______that he has been ill for a

8.It _______that he has been ill for a long time.A seemsB looks C looks likeD seems like

4、He ______ a cold last week.

He ______ a cold last week.A had caughtB caughtC has caughtD has had

5、At the age of 16,he worked for______.

At the age of 16,he worked for______.Ahis brotherBhimselfChis fatherDsomeone else

6、1. He wants to be a teacher___________

1. He wants to be a teacher___________ .Ain the futureBin futureC the futureDin a future