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One reason for her preference for city

One reason for her preference for city life is _______ she can have easy access to places like shops and restaurants.

  • A that
  • B how
  • C what
  • D why



1、For this reason, many US()contain the

For this reason, many US()contain the provision “time is of the essence” within their preamble.AcontactsBcontentsCcontendsDcontract

2、For safety reasons,when assistance tow

For safety reasons,when assistance towing().Athe disabled vessel should be towed to the nearest portBthe disabled vessel should be inspected fo...

3、For which of the following reasons did

For which of the following reasons did the writer suggest that people visit McDonald's university? 请阅读Passage 2,完成以下小题。 ...

4、The reason for the obligation to load

The reason for the obligation to load a full cargo()that otherwise the Shipowner would lose freight on account of some part of the ship’s carrying capacity not being utilized.AisBmakesChasDtake

5、The most important reason for taking a

The most important reason for taking anti-seasickness pills as soon as possible after entering a liferaft is to().Aassist in sleepingBreduce ap...

6、For security reasons, 

For security reasons, an administrator is asked to modify the system to prevent someone from&e...