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One of the problems Wagoner faces is__

One of the problems Wagoner faces is______.( )

  • A[A] to fight for a favorable term for the employees' health benefits
  • B[B] to start an advertising campaign to promote sales of GM's cars
  • C[C] to eliminate GM's old crop of cars that people don't want to buy
  • D[D] to find a way to inspire GM employees with much confidence

Wagoner遇到的问题之一是______ 。[A]为员工争取更好的医疗福利[B]做广告宣传以增加通用汽车的销量 [C]消除人们不想购买的通用旧车型[D]找到使通用员工保持士气的方法答案解析:[D]事实细节题。首段末旬指出瓦格纳遇到的问题:与工会就医疗福利重新进行谈判;推出一些有效的品牌广告;使公司全体成员保持高涨的士气;并制造出一批消费者真正想购买的汽车,故[D]为答案。从常识可知,工会是代表劳方的利益,因此末旬中提到的与工会谈判应该是资方为了摆脱财务危机而降低职员福利待遇,与[A]矛盾,排除该项。该句明确指出做该公司的品牌广告,不是做某些车辆广告,排除[B]。该句指出制造消费者真正想购买的汽车,但这并不意味着消除人们不想购买的通用旧车型,[C]为过度表述,排除。


1、The main purpose of the text is to ___

The main purpose of the text is to _______.A describe children’s thinkingBanswer some questions children haveCstress the importance of communicationDadvise parents to encourage their children

2、8. It is________ of a problem to be po

8. It is________ of a problem to be poor than to be dishonest.A moreBlittleC muchDless

3、One of the few things you ___ say abou

One of the few things you ___ say about English people with certainty is that they talk a lot about the weather.A need B must C shouldD can

4、The unit of electrical power is the __

The unit of electrical power is the _____.AampereBkilovoltCwattDfarad

5、Jim is the most intelligent,of _______

Jim is the most intelligent,of __________Afour USBUS fourCthe four USDUS of four

6、The topic of the passage is that __.

The topic of the passage is that __.Athe control of population is essential to the development of a nationBnatural resources are important to ...