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The ratio of the work done by the mac

The ratio of the work done by the machine______________the work done on it is called the efficiency of the machine.

  • Aagainst        
  • Bwith             
  • Cto               
  • Dfor

【答案】C【译文】机器所做的工作与在机器上所用的功之比,就称为机器的效率。  【考点】固定搭配 【解析】题中rati0与介词t0是固定搭配,the ratio of A to B的意思为“A与B之比(率)”,故选c。


1、The pitch ratio of a propeller is the

The pitch ratio of a propeller is the mean pitch divided by ().Athe propeller diameterBthe propeller radiusCthe pitch angleDthe length of helix

2、The ratio of the height of a vessel’s

The ratio of the height of a vessel’s rudder to its width is referred to as the().Aaspect ratioBconstriction ratioCrudder ratioDsteering ratio

3、The expenses for such work done by ste

The expenses for such work done by stevedores are()shipowners’().Afor, accountBto, paymentCon, accountDwith, payment

4、When the normal compression ratio of a

When the normal compression ratio of a diesel engine is not very high, misfiring at light loads may be caused by ()Aoverloading the engineBlow exhaust valve liftCexcessive cylinder coolingDinsufficient mechanical clearance

5、The work()by the time you get there.

The work()by the time you get there.Awill have been doneBwas doneChad been doneDhas done

6、The()is a series of trials done at sea

The()is a series of trials done at sea to determine whether the ship has met the specifications of design, modification, or repair.ASea trialBBed-testCEngine performanceDPSC inspectio