可学答题网 > 问答 > 航海英语综合练习题库
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I herely request permission to()the sh

I herely request permission to()the ship hull for routine maintenance.

  • Aput paint on
  • Bapply paint onto
  • Coil
  • Dpaint

1、Permission is kindly requested to()in

Permission is kindly requested to()in celebration of our National Day.Adress my ship overallBraise my ship overallChoist my ship overallDdisplay my ship from stem to ster

2、The master got permission to pump out

The master got permission to pump out 500 tons of clean sea water for ().Athe purpose of trimmingBthe approval for ballastCthe purpose of voyageDthe approval for operatio

3、You are kindly requested to supply the

You are kindly requested to supply the necessary tallymen to do()on board the ship during the discharging of the cargo.Athe tallying workBthe lashing workCthe clean workDthe work of opening and closing hatche

4、Permission is requested to pump out ab

Permission is requested to pump out about 200 tons of clean sea ballast water for () purposes.Asafe manningBtrimmingCavoiding collisionDpreventing pollutio

5、I hereby request permission to()the sh

I hereby request permission to()the ship hull for routine maintenance.Aput paint onBapply paint ontoCoilDpaint

6、I hereby request permission to()the sh

I hereby request permission to()the ship hull for routine maintenance.AoperateBrepairCoilDpaint