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Generally speaking, the water pollutio

Generally speaking, the water pollution in cities is more serious than __________ in the country.


考查代词。对比结构中,对比对象中出现的重复名词用that或those代替,由此排除A项和B项。the water pollution是不可数名词,排除D项。故选C。


1、Generally speaking, suction heads requ

Generally speaking, suction heads require to be () for high speed or large capacities than for low speed or small capacities.AgreaterBsmallerCbetterDworse

2、Generally speaking,______according to

Generally speaking,______according to directions,the drug has no side-effect.A when takingB when takenC when to takeD when to be taken

3、Generally the function of lubrication

Generally the function of lubrication is to form of a film of lubricant between any two surfaces that have relative (), so that surfaces dont get touch with each other.AgravityBmotionCratioDdensity

4、Generally,the first action in extingui

Generally,the first action in extinguishing an LFG fire caused by escaping gas is to().Asweep flames away with water sprayBshut off the leakCuse a chemical foam fire extinguisherDcall the local fire department

5、Generally speaking,you should expect t

Generally speaking,you should expect to find low atmospheric pressure prevailing in the earth’s().Aequatorial areaBpolar regionsCmid-latitudesDAll of the above

6、Generally speaking,a ship steaming acr

Generally speaking,a ship steaming across the North Pacific from Japan to Seattle is likely to experience().Aadverse currents for practically t...