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Small quantities of flammable liquids

Small quantities of flammable liquids needed at a work site should be().

  • Aused only under the supervision and direction of a ship's officer
  • Btightly capped and stowed with other tools near the job site when securing at the end of the day
  • Cused only when a pressurized fire hose is laid out ready for immediate use
  • Din a metal container with a tight ca

1、Let H () the quantity of heat which ha

Let H () the quantity of heat which has been converted into mechanical work.ArepresentBrepresentsCrepresentingDbeing represented

2、Increasing the number of slack liquid

Increasing the number of slack liquid tanks has effect of raising the().Auncorrected KGBmaximun allowed KGCvirtual height of the center of gravityDmetacentric height

3、When flammable liquids are handled in

When flammable liquids are handled in a compartment on a vessel,the ventilation for that area should be().Aoperated continuously while vapors ...

4、Quantity equation of exchange 交易数量方程

Quantity equation of exchange 交易数量方程

5、A fire of escaping liquefied flammable

A fire of escaping liquefied flammable gas is best extinguished by().Acooling the gas below the ignition pointBcutting off the supply of oxygenCstopping the flow of gasDinterrupting the chain reactio

6、Large quantities of uncovered pig iron

Large quantities of uncovered pig iron or billets should not be carried in the upper-tween decks because().Athis does not eliminate the risk ...