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In the absence of exceptions clauses,t

In the absence of exceptions clauses,there is()obligation to supply a cargo of the contractual description and quantity.

  • Aa conditional
  • Ban absolute
  • Ca considerable
  • Da substantial

1、In the absence of

In the absence of shared storage between cluster nodes, which two actions can you&#8194...

2、In the absence of a route leading from

In the absence of a route leading from seaward,the conventional direction of buoyage generally follows().Aan anti-clockwise direction around lan...

3、In the absence of external forces,the

In the absence of external forces,the center of buoyancy of an inclined vessel is vertically aligned directly below the().Acenter of gravityBamidships stationCcenter of flotationDgeometric center of the waterplane area

4、In the absence of external forces,addi

In the absence of external forces,adding weight on one side of a floating vessel causes the vessel to ().Aheel until the angle of loll is r...

5、Even in the absence of express instruc

Even in the absence of express instructions,the authority of the master of a ship is very large and()to all acts that are usual and necessary for the employment of the ship.AexpendsBspreadsCextendsDenlarge

6、In the absence of external forces,addi

In the absence of external forces,adding weight on one side of a floating vessel causes the vessel to().Aheel until the angle of loll is r...