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In practice,it is usual for the ship t

In practice,it is usual for the ship to be loaded()to improve the vessel’s movement through the water.

  • Aa little deeper aft
  • Ba little deeper forward
  • Cat the same draught between fore and aft
  • Da balance between two side

1、The premium is usually included in().

The premium is usually included in().Athe indemnityBthe franchiseCthe freight rateDthe cargo cost

2、It is customary in shipping practice t

It is customary in shipping practice to quote freight rates()weight or measurement,ship’s option.Aon the basis ofBas a result ofCarise fromDcome into being

3、In low-speed network, it is usually ad

In low-speed network, it is usually adequate to wait for congestion to occur and then react to it by telling the source of packets to slow ...

4、Camber,in a ship,is usually measured i

Camber,in a ship,is usually measured in().Afeet per feet of breadthBfeet per feet of lengthCinches per feet of breadthDinches per feet of length

5、For ships equipped with an SES, it is(

For ships equipped with an SES, it is()and()for the operator to send a distress alert.Aeasy/reliableBdifficult/cheapCstable/compulsoryDeasy/expensive

6、34.It is usually warm in my hometown i

34.It is usually warm in my hometown in March,but it _________be rather cold some-times.AmustBcanCshouldDwould