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It is good practice to use long towlin

It is good practice to use long towlines for ocean tows because the().

  • Awear on the towline is equalized
  • Bweight of the towline increases the towing force
  • Cdip in the towline absorbs shock loads
  • Ddanger of overriding is reduced

1、It is not advisable to use nylon for a

It is not advisable to use nylon for alongside towing because it().Ais too expensive for everyday towing usageBbinds on the cleatsCparts too readilyDstrethes too much

2、It becomes a common practice to insert

It becomes a common practice to insert a clause in the bills of lading for vessels trading to and from the United States,expressly declaring...

3、()is used to protect goods not to be d

()is used to protect goods not to be deteriorated like food and medicine.ApackagingBGreen PackagingCVacuum packagingDSpecial packaging

4、It is customary in shipping practice t

It is customary in shipping practice to quote freight rates()weight or measurement,ship’s option.Aon the basis ofBas a result ofCarise fromDcome into being

5、When is it necessary to use a public I

When is it necessary to use a public IP address on a routing interface?()A Connect a router on a local network.B Connect a router to anoth...

6、From viewpoint of practice, it is some

From viewpoint of practice, it is sometimes important to detect abnormal happenings in the running gear by()Aa keen sense of hearingBrich theoryCcommunicating ability with othersDrepetition work