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If a teacher asks students to concentr

If a teacher asks students to concentrate on such features as structure/coherence and cohesion of a text,he/she aims at delevoping students’ __ .

  • Astrategic competence
  • Bculture awareness
  • Ccommunicative competence
  • Ddiscourse awareness

考查语篇教学。语篇( discourse)由一个以上的句子或语段组成,各成分之间在形式上是衔接的,在语义上是连贯的。老师让学生集中注意力于文章的结构、衔接与连贯性等方面,目的是培养学生的语篇意识。


1、When a teacher asks students to discus

When a teacher asks students to discuss how the writerˊs ideas are organized in the text, he /she intends to develop studentsˊ skill of _...

2、If you are asked to chair a meeting, r

If you are asked to chair a meeting, remember the following six golden rules for meeting().AtreatmentBrequirementCmanagementDimprovement

3、English teachers often ask students to

English teachers often ask students to__a passage to get the gist of it.AskimBscanCpredictDdescribe

4、When a teacher asks students to discus

When a teacher asks students to discuss how the writer“s ideas are organized in the text, he / she intends to develop students“ skill ofAre...

5、When a teacher asks students to rearra

When a teacher asks students to rearrange a set of sentences into a logical paragraph,he/she is trying to draw their attention to____.AgrammarBvocabularyCsentence patternsDtextual coherence

6、If a teacher asks students to collect,

If a teacher asks students to collect, compare and analyze certain sentence patterns, he/she aims at developing students“ _____.Adiscourse awarenessBcultural awarenessCstrategic competenceDlinguistic competence