目录: 标题| 题干| 答案| 搜索| 相关

1, She was born ________the evening __

1, She was born ________the evening ________May 5,1996.

  • Ain ,of
  • Bon ,of
  • Cin ,in
  • Don ,in

1、She helped the old man ______ the car.

She helped the old man ______ the car.A intoB onC inD to

2、She regretted paying ______ for the ca

She regretted paying ______ for the camera.A twice as muchB as twice muchC much as twiceD as much twice

3、______the news, she jumped with joy.

______the news, she jumped with joy.A HeardB HearingC To hearD To be heard

4、The driver was______.

The driver was______.A an old manB a strangerC a girlD not mentioned

5、The Daguerreotype was______.

The Daguerreotype was______.A a FrenchmanB a photographerC a kind of cameraD a kind of picture

6、She kept a close eye__________the sick

She kept a close eye__________the sick child and didn’t sleep the whole night.AatBinCforDon