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In the afternoon he often removes rust

In the afternoon he often removes rust or()some paint work.

  • Ado
  • Bdid
  • Cdoes
  • Dto do

1、He()lunch in the canteen right now.

He()lunch in the canteen right now.AhasBhaveCis having

2、The weather is often()in a high-pressu

The weather is often()in a high-pressure area.AfineBcloudyCrainyDwindy

3、The patches where rust have been remov

The patches where rust have been removed should be wiped clean before paint is().AappliedBsuppliedCrepliedDcomplied

4、He keeps()at himself in the mirror.

He keeps()at himself in the mirror.Ato lookBlookingClookDlooked

5、He took()part in the activity.

He took()part in the activity.Aan activeBa dynamicCa positiveDenergetic

6、24. Peter _________in the afternoon on

24. Peter _________in the afternoon on Sundays.A does his homeworkB does some readingC watches TVD plays games