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After passing through the turbine the

After passing through the turbine the exhaust gas is conducted out into the().

  • Aintercooler
  • Bcompressor
  • Ccylinder
  • Dopen air

1、After a cold front passes,the barometr

After a cold front passes,the barometric pressure().Adrops,and the temperature dropsBdrops,and the temperature risesCrises,and the temperature dropsDrises,and the temperature rise

2、As the refrigerant passes through the

As the refrigerant passes through the valve orifice, its pressure is reduced and part of the refrigerant turns into ().AliquidBoily mixtureCemulsionDvapor

3、After passing through the expansion va

After passing through the expansion valve the refrigerant should be in the state of ().AvaporBliquidCsolidDNone of the above is tree

4、The refrigerant flows through the evap

The refrigerant flows through the evaporator, where it () heat from the refrigerated space.AextractsBreleasesCgives noDabsorbs no

5、After a cold front passes,the barometr

After a cold front passes,the barometric pressure().ADrops,and the temperature dropsBDrops,and the temperature risesCRises,and the temperature dropsDRises,and the temperature rise

6、The power generated in the turbine mus

The power generated in the turbine must () that required by the compressor.Abe less thanBbe larger thanCbe as large asDnot be so large a