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Once a fire is detected the engine sho

Once a fire is detected the engine should be slowed downOn no account ().

  • Athe trunking should be opened up
  • Bshould the trunking be opened up
  • Cthe trunking should not be opened up
  • Dshould the trunking not be opened u

1、A fire is discovered in the bow of you

A fire is discovered in the bow of your vessel while making way. The wind is from ahead at 35 knots. You should().Aremain on course and h...

2、If a scavenge fire starts, the engine

If a scavenge fire starts, the engine must be put to “()” and the fuel must be taken off the cylinders affected by the fire.Astop engineBfinished with engineCdead slow aheadDdead slow aster

3、The exhaust gases for a new engine sho

The exhaust gases for a new engine should be () when the engine operates under full load.AsmokyBa little bit denseCvisibleDalmost invisible

4、Which fire detection system is actuate

Which fire detection system is actuated by sensing a heat rise in a compartment?()AManual fire detection systemBAutomatic fire detection systemCSmoke detection systemDWatchman's supervisory system

5、There is a fire in the crew’s quarters

There is a fire in the crew’s quarters of your vessel. You should().Aventilate the quarters as much as possibleBprepare to abandon shipCclose all ventilation to the quarters if possibleDattempt to put the fire out yourself before sounding the alarm

6、If a fire ignites in the engine room a

If a fire ignites in the engine room as a result of a high pressure fuel oil leak, you should FIRST ().Asecure the ventilationBfind a soda acid extinguisherCshut off the fuel oil supplyDsecure the generator