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The process of(72)schedule activity du

The process of(72)schedule activity durations uses information on schedule activity scope of work,required resource types,estimated resource quantities,and resource calendars with resource availabilities.

  • Aestimating
  • Bdefining
  • Cplanning
  • Dsequencing



1、In the process of the shafting managem

In the process of the shafting management, special attention should be paid to()Aon the sailing, the water in the aft peak tank should be e...

2、● The process of software development

● The process of software development doesn’t include(72) .(72)Averification functionBwriting codeCmanagement functionDvalidation function

3、One of the scheduler

One of the schedulers has submitted an ad hoc job to list a particular directory....

4、The(75)process analyzes the effect of

The(75)process analyzes the effect of risk events and assigns a numerical rating to those risks.ARisk IdentificationBQuantitative Risk AnalysisCQualitative Risk AnalysisDRisk Monitoring and Control

5、The()Process Group consists of the pr

The()Process Group consists of the processes used to complete the work defined in the project management plan to accomplish the project's requirements.APlanningBExecutingCMonitoring and ControllingDClosing

6、● (72) is the process ofarranging a gr

● (72) is the process ofarranging a group of data elements into some desired order.(72)A FileBRecordCSortingDDatabase