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The manager ordered the work__________

The manager ordered the work__________

  • Ato start at once
  • Bto be started at once
  • Cstart at once
  • Dstarted at once

order后接动词不定式的句型有两种:order sb.to do sth.及order sth.to bedone。根据题意,显然适用于后一种句型。


1、______________the storm, the ship woul

______________the storm, the ship would have reached its destination on time.ABut forBIn case ofCIn spite ofDBecause of

2、9. You must try ________ the work tomo

9. You must try ________ the work tomorrow.A finishB to finishCc. finishingD finishes

3、-- ____ he managed to get the informat

-- ____ he managed to get the information? -- Oh, a friend of his helped him.AA. Where was it thatBB. What was it thatCC. How was it thatDD. Who was it that

4、The passage is organized in order of__

The passage is organized in order of____ ­ .A timeB effectivenessC importanceD complexity

5、The production __________of the factor

The production __________of the factory is now 800,000 units.AabilityBpowerCcapacityDpossibility

6、__________the sun is the central body

__________the sun is the central body of the solar system so the nucleus is the core of the atom.AWhenBIfCNow thatDJust as